Sunday, September 7, 2014

Plums & Pluots

Dapple Dandy 

Nothing tastes better than fresh fruit picked right off the tree.  This summer we've been enjoying the local bounty of fruit, including plums and pluots.  In July, Dapple Dandy pluots made their appearance in our weekly CSA produce box for a number of weeks.  And, now going into late summer we are enjoying late plums and more varieties of pluots.  

Robertson Family Farm Orchard

Here in the Yuba-Sutter area, we have an abundance and variety of crops.  I recently discovered that not every one has heard of pluots including my British pen pal, Teresa.  In Britain they have damsons which are small plums native to Great Britain.  She had not heard of pluots.  So for Teresa and anyone else who isn't familiar with pluots, they are a hybrid and later generation fruit from plum and apricot parents.  Some varieties taste more like plums and some varieties taste more like apricots. 

Plum or Pluot?

 So is it a plum or a pluot?  And, how can you tell the difference?  I'm not really sure because plums and pluots (especially the purple ones) usually look alike to me.  I rely on my local farmer to keep me straight.  Last week at the farmers' market,  I came home with bags full of both plums and pluots from West Butte Orchards.  Both varieties are juicy, sweet and a bit tart!

Elephant Heart Plums

The elephant heart plum is now my favorite plum!  My dad has been talking about them all summer long and told me to watch for them.  Now I know why.  They are delicious! 

  They are also known as a blood plum.  With their deep ruby red color and shape you can easily see how they got their name.  I read that they are often referred to as the king of Japanese plums.  A title well deserved!

This plum variety ripens in September and shows up at market long after other plums are gone.  I was so excited to see them at our market this past week.

Flavor King Pluots

The Flavor King pluot looks and tastes the closet to a plum to me.  I've been enjoying eating them fresh and baking with them,too.  They were excellent in my Spiced Pluot Crostata and Spice Pluot Cake that I made this last week.

Sadly the season is winding down now.  I just found out from Paula Bicknell of West Butte Orchards that this coming week will be her last farmers' market of the season.  My fingers are crossed that she'll still have elephant heart plums for my dad and me. 

(Farm photographs taken at Robertson Family Farm in Yuba County, CA.)

1 comment:

  1. Ah so now I know all about pluots and I had also not know about Elephant Heart Plums. Looking at these beautifully ripe plums is making me hungry and I think the mention of pies and cakes may have me busy in the kitchen for the last of the plum harvest. Thanks Lisette!
